Nadia Guidi è artista e designer.
Vive e lavora tra Milano e Pesaro.
Ha due Lauree Magistrali: in Lettere e Filosofia a Firenze e in Storia dell’Arte a Urbino.
Da sempre appassionata di arte e architettura, affianca all’attività di stilista beachwear quella di artista e illustratrice.
Dipinge quadri in cui mescola elementi classici e modernisti, stilemi Bauhaus, composizioni architettoniche, pattern moda, Pop Art, Street Art e Hard Edge Painting, in uno stile astratto di forme in disordine apparente ed equilibrio strutturale.
Disegna illustrazioni digitali di forte impatto cromatico e tratto fluido, in cui si leggono richiami a Moda e Design, Pop Art e Arte Anni ’60 e 70’, fino alle ultime declinazioni ipercromatiche contemporanee.
Fil rouge delle sue esperienze di arte e moda sono il design e il colore.
Nadia è a disposizione per quadri e illustrazioni agli indirizzi:
instagram @nadiaguidi_art
Nadia Guidi is an artist and designer.
She lives and works between Milano and Pesaro.
After graduating in Florence, she was beachwear stylist, looking after all aspects from the design and models, to collections and printed materials.
Art is her great passion.
She specialised in Art History at the University of Urbino and in Contemporary Art at the University of Milan.
She paints acrylics and oils.
Her artwork features classic and modernist elements, Bauhaus styling cues, fashion patterns, Pop Art, Street Art and Hard Edge Painting.
Between figuration and abstraction, her style mixes apparent disorder in structural balance.
Her illustrations are characterized by powerful chromatic impact and fluid strokes with recognizable references to fashion and design, to early twentieth-century pouchoirs, to Pop Art and the art of the Sixties and Seventies, up to the latest hyperchromatic variations of contemporary painting.
The fil rouge of her experiences in art, fashion are design and color.
Nadia is available for paintings and illustrations on request, and can be reached at:
instagram @nadiaguidi_art